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Showing posts from January, 2022

DR. NABIN KUMAR PATTNAIKM.B.B.S., D.C.H., M.D. (Ophthalmology) A I I M S...

Dr. Nabin Kumar Pattnaik - Vitreo-Retina & Lasik Specialist

Vitreo-Retina & Lasik Specialist He is specialized in Ophthalmology from the most prestigious Dr RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS, New Delhi. He has presented at various international and national meetings and has written chapters in various textbooks. He has been Honoured Bharat Jyoti Award in 2003 for outstanding work in field of Ophthalmology, Rashtriya Gaurav Award in 2003, Dr RN Sabharwal Gold Medal in 2004, HUF Excellence Award 2014 for contribution in the field of Health Care